My Family
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Picture one is of John E.'s Family. From left to right back row Berta, Mildred Elizabeth (Mit), Jed, Elestine (Les). Front row Julia Brockway and Laura Louisa (Kit)
Picture two is of Jed Hoag (Picture was pulled from above picture)
Jed Hoag and his family. There were a few born after this picture was taken. From left to right back row Jed, Mary Ellen with baby Opal, Mabel and Glen Front row Nora, Esther, Estell, and Grace. Not born yet Harry, Howard and Violet. Talking with Aunt Mabel the picture was taken in front of the barn. She said it looked better than the house!
Howard Jed Hoag son of Jed and his first two sons. My Brother Dan is standing behind John (Thats Me!)